Infrastructure that connects millions of businesses and homes
As a managed service provider for telecom networks & high-speed broadband networks, we provide software and services for managing Networks, Subscribers & Partners, Revenue Cycles, Operations, Customer Service and more, managing millions of subscribers across our projects.
Offerings & Expertise
Managed Telecom Service Provider
Most businesses, especially multinationals, have difficulty finding and maintaining a resilient and comprehensive network solution from a single supplier because the network services market is so fragmented. Elements of the overall solution often have to be procured from competing network service providers (NSPs) or managed services providers (MSPs). It is increasingly appealing to outsource to a single MSP that will manage the network and associated voice and data infrastructure. Telecoms at SRIT is a Carrier-Class Practice Group with several hundred man-years of telecom expertise, covering a wide range of technology & functional domains. Our products and solutions help communication companies transform and enrich their networks, ensuring maximum returns.
RConverge & RConnect Product Suite
SRIT’s product suite RConverge and RConnect are deployed on long-term contracts for GoI national service providers such as BSNL (GSM), Kerala Fiber Optic Network (KFON) and RailTel Corporation (RailWire high-speed broadband services). SRIT does the revenue cycle management, billing, partner, subscriber, operations, and network management for state-wide KFON network as well as nation-wide for RailTel’s RailWire high-speed broadband network. SRIT also does the Inter-Operator tariffing, rating, billing, customer-care, accounting, reconciliations, and settlement for the national telecoms service provider BSNL.
Key Projects
KFON Project
On 5th June 2023, SRIT commissioned the State Fibre-Optic Network (KFON) Project involving laying of 30,000 kilometres state-wide optical fibre-optic cable and the IP-MPLS High-Speed Broadband Network for BEL. SRIT has begun lighting (provide high-speed broadband connectivity) 30,000 Govt offices. SRIT has to connect more than 2million homes in the next 24 months. SRIT’s R-Converge Software is managing this large network’s subscriber management, partner management, revenue cycle management, operations management, network management, customer management, accounting, customer-service, reconciliations or settlements.
Railwire Broadband Internet
Managed Service Provider for Govt of India’s RailTel Corporation of India Ltd (under Central Railway Ministry) for its RailWire high-speed broadband network. SRIT’s R-Converge Software manages RailWire High Speed Broadband Network – be it the subscriber management, partner management, revenue cycle management, operations management, network management, customer management, accounting, customer-service, reconciliations or settlements. At this present time, more than 510,000 broadband subscribers are on this network.
R-Connect for BSNL
Interconnect Billing System, SPBAS, IOBAS for National Telecoms Provider BSNL. SRIT’s R-Connect Software manages BSNL’s Inter-Operator tariffing, rating, billing, accounting, customer-service, reconciliations & settlement.
4G-LTE for 15k ATMs
In the 2nd Quarter of 2023, SRIT signed a 4G-LTE project for 15,000 ATM sites of a nationalized State Bank. This has a revenue potential of ~500cr over a 10-year period.
eHealth Network: State of Kerala
Since 2018, managing Kerala State-wide Area Network (KSWAN) for Railtel Corporation
BBNL, Northeast India
Survey of executed Optical Fiber Cable (OFC), collections of geo-tagged information for the National Telecoms Provider BBNL for States of Assam, West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.